Love you or love her ??

What are we really after in life? Money? Happiness? Recognition? Adventure? 

While all of them are valid reasons , there is one hidden reason that sometimes we aren’t even aware about. Its love ! 

Love has become such a cliché these days. It’s become more of a status than a feeling when two hearts are united. 

When we love someone or when somebody loves us , we expect them to be the same and love us with the same level of emotions. Is that possible? You can ask your lover or husband or fiancé or ur friend with benefits or any person whom you trust in this world. Everyone will give the same answer in one form or other , i.e Yes . But as human beings , you can’t love someone with the same intensity that you had for them initially for the entire span of your lives. Because we love ourselves more than we love anyone else. In know it may be contradictory and your heart may refuse to accept this. But let it sink in and your brain may agree with you. 

This hoax that someone will love us forever or lifelong has been cultivated by media as they have hooked onto the most important component of life ,  Hope ! 

We can never stop hoping and so we always hope that there is someone who can love us till we meet our makers. It’s true. There is someone out there for each and every one of us and they may love us too but even though they may say , they can never love us with the same intensity forever. 

We are humans and we do constantly change , even more than the climate. We have seen couples , even our parents fight. It’s because we disagree on certain topics and refuse to relent control of our likes and attitude and behavior just for the sake of pleasing our better half. When we want to avoid such fights and lead a peaceful, happy life , we lie. That’s the next natural thing that we know as humans other than love. 

Love is like an ocean. You may never know it’s vastness when you are standing on the shore. And an ocean isn’t formed just like that. It’s a mere collection of water flowing from many rivers and seas. Love is the same. It’s an emotion that flows like a river. It’s course is never constant. You drop a rock in it , it creates a ripple in it. Those ripples are like the arguments we have in our lives with the ones we love. It’s created but fades away over the flow.

And an river of love can’t be created by loving one person all your life. Sharing your life with a another human being and loving is completely different. When you share your life , you accept them and they you. You work around your flaws , you don’t erase them. 

As Einstein once said , if you are driving a car safely while kissing a girl , you are not giving the girl the attention she deserves !!

So Love all you can and as much as you can !! ❤  Cause you can’t see the ocean if your focused on avoiding ripples the river. 

Love   ~ Masha 😉