Hello all !! It’s been a long time. Hope you all have a great year ahead!

So, what made me write today? If you are an Indian, better, if you are a South Indian or even better if you are a Tamizhan i.e. from the state of TamilNadu, you will know that today is Pongal. For those of you who are about to Google, lemme save your time and tell you that it’s a festival that celebrates the hard work of a Farmer and his family and thank him for providing food for the rest of us all year long.

As any festival goes in India, according to the tradition that we fashioned, we gather in front of the television and gape at the programs all day long, just as any another day but instead of binge eating all junk, we focus on just sweets.

I ain’t saying that I am better but I am different. So instead of the gaping at the television, I gape at the laptop. Following suit of my tradition, I was about to begin my gaping session and begin my binge eating. But I suddenly came upon a clip by Sivakarthikeyen in the movie Vellaikaran.

As all peters say and do, I refuse to watch tamil or any Indian movies. But I do watch them in secret 😉 Getting back to topic, the movie Vellaikaran is based on the concept of a Marketing and Sales Executive’s daily life. Every story needs a challenge. Now, the challenge in this movie is evils of consumerism.

As script the task falls in the hands of protagonist or Hero in our country to think of a solution and bring about a revolution. He says it is all in the hands of the work force or labour force i.e the public to bring out the change.

They portray the sufferings of a single mother whose only child becomes prey to Cancer and passes away. As mother would do, the child’s mother sues the food industry, one company in particular accusing them of using higher concentration of chemicals and carcinogens that eventually leads to Cancer. Due to lacks of evidence, she loses and decides to become sample herself by eating the same food that caused her child cancer for about 3 months.

After that she meets the hero, they right the wrongs and obviously they win. But as I was watching I realised something as I heard the hero say that we are living in the same world that we are spoiling.

For those who know me, I suffer from a condition called Hyper Pigmentation i.e. my face is covered in spots that doesn’t disappear with no regards to my dietary habits and other hygiene. The doctors I approached said it was due to a hormonal imbalance. Now why would the sudden hormonal imbalance that occurs to hundreds and thousands of women during puberty be of any difference to me?

The answer is because they have become immune and I have not. It not necessarily any one’s fault in particular but the small faults that were done by our previous generation, which will be done by us and will continue on to the next generation.

You may tell me that an easy solution for any skin related issues would be to wear makeup and conceal them for the society’s eyes.

Doesn’t everyone realise that it’s a cycle? Lemme break it down. The foods that had been consumed by my parents or their parents would must have had some problems. As far I have understood the human body, it tries to fight but in the end, it acclimates and becomes IMMUNE. So were my grandparents and my parents and my cousins and you all out there. But for a few of us unfortunate ones out there including myself, didn’t become IMMUNE. And hence all the problems.

Now, as a solution to a problem caused by toxin induced foods, you are suggesting toxin induced creams and make up. Do you realise where this circle is being completed?

If you ask me what’s the solution? I don’t have an answer. But my suggestion would be this. Stick to what your ancestors did. They had ideals and ethics and were trying to acclimatise to their environment. If they did yoga, do yoga. If they toiled under the sun, then do the same. They definitely must have had a reason. Kings and Monarchs didn’t rule this land without a purpose. Think for yourself and see.

For those who are alike me suffering from various skin issues. My suggestion would be to stop! Enough doctors. Enough pills. Enough treatments. Enough makeup. Don’t become IMMUNE.


Be yourself !! Cheers !! Your smile is what makes you shine!

~ Masha 😊


Not everything is a Circle !

We know that the world is Round. We also believe that life is too !! I am not so sure about what kind of geometric shape life represents , but I am pretty much sure it isn’t a round. Well the stages of life is sequential , like being born , growing up , learning life’s lessons , growing wise and finally passing on. But that’s not what happens in life is it ? Some of us are not sure How we are born , some not sure Why ??

Every life is a mystery that unfolds little bit every day. We have to patient to clearly see what’s coming because all of us are walking different paths but ultimately that path has to turn and we won’t what’s coming through a blind corner. That doesn’t mean we stop walking altogether or walk on eggshells. It’s not like we are walking blindfolded and trust me visually challenged people have more color in their lives than us , normally challenged folks ! Sometimes the solution is to let loose and  enjoy the walk.

Everyone has dreams and goals but most of us are bound by duties , responsibilities , financially challenged and all other excuses. I am not a perfect person. But I have to walk longer. But some of us are nearing the bench or are already on the bench and still give excuses for not solving the mystery and blame the person Above and curse the one Below. But how in the world are they responsible ? They can only throw us opportunities and chances. It is up to us to catch them or let them slip through.

But be warned ! We don’t have all the years like we think. The path can become a dead end any time. That doesn’t we be terrified of what’s about to come. Sometimes we just have to be brave and make mistakes and take a few wrong turns to end up in the right one ! Like the Horse says ” You can only lead a human to knowledge. You can’t make it think =D “.





– William Arthur Ward

When we look to our elders and mentors for directions, they say ” Life’s not that hard. It’s a piece of cake ! “. They forgot to mention that not all cakes are Round !! 😉


~Masha 🙂

Love you or love her ??

What are we really after in life? Money? Happiness? Recognition? Adventure? 

While all of them are valid reasons , there is one hidden reason that sometimes we aren’t even aware about. Its love ! 

Love has become such a cliché these days. It’s become more of a status than a feeling when two hearts are united. 

When we love someone or when somebody loves us , we expect them to be the same and love us with the same level of emotions. Is that possible? You can ask your lover or husband or fiancé or ur friend with benefits or any person whom you trust in this world. Everyone will give the same answer in one form or other , i.e Yes . But as human beings , you can’t love someone with the same intensity that you had for them initially for the entire span of your lives. Because we love ourselves more than we love anyone else. In know it may be contradictory and your heart may refuse to accept this. But let it sink in and your brain may agree with you. 

This hoax that someone will love us forever or lifelong has been cultivated by media as they have hooked onto the most important component of life ,  Hope ! 

We can never stop hoping and so we always hope that there is someone who can love us till we meet our makers. It’s true. There is someone out there for each and every one of us and they may love us too but even though they may say , they can never love us with the same intensity forever. 

We are humans and we do constantly change , even more than the climate. We have seen couples , even our parents fight. It’s because we disagree on certain topics and refuse to relent control of our likes and attitude and behavior just for the sake of pleasing our better half. When we want to avoid such fights and lead a peaceful, happy life , we lie. That’s the next natural thing that we know as humans other than love. 

Love is like an ocean. You may never know it’s vastness when you are standing on the shore. And an ocean isn’t formed just like that. It’s a mere collection of water flowing from many rivers and seas. Love is the same. It’s an emotion that flows like a river. It’s course is never constant. You drop a rock in it , it creates a ripple in it. Those ripples are like the arguments we have in our lives with the ones we love. It’s created but fades away over the flow.

And an river of love can’t be created by loving one person all your life. Sharing your life with a another human being and loving is completely different. When you share your life , you accept them and they you. You work around your flaws , you don’t erase them. 

As Einstein once said , if you are driving a car safely while kissing a girl , you are not giving the girl the attention she deserves !!

So Love all you can and as much as you can !! ❤  Cause you can’t see the ocean if your focused on avoiding ripples the river. 

Love   ~ Masha 😉