Don’t Fall For it !

Man …. time sure does fly. It seems like yesterday i viewed my +2 results, and now here i am !! THE LAST MONTHS of my College Life !! Who knew?!

These past months have been crazy i tell you. Companies, placements, interviews and all other charades. Don’t think Drama is out of this ! Oh my god ! It was an emotional roller coaster but without any seat belts. Constant thinking about “My life is changing” “Shit, What am i going to do without my friends?” and the whole nine yards i tell ya! I lost it so much that I started to miss SASTRA life ! The same college I go to everyday and curse it till my lungs can.

Everyone thinks that I have it all figured out ! They are so wrong  i tell you. The emotions and drama within me were going non-stop and indescribable. I am sure everyone who had gone through this phase would agree. But no once be prepared for and me being one who tries to be prepared for everything , was caught off guard. But i was lucky enough to land an interview in the in-Campus that took place.

Everyone was happy. But i was lost in thoughts. I was advised that this is such a good opportunity to work and start saving money. Yes , we all need a little money to get by in life, but making it as the sole focus of my life was a long debate. But then something today made me realize that , no matter the success and funds you have conquered in life is going to make you really happy, like from the bottom of your heart. Memories do ! They are the ones that make you laugh, cry, mad, freak out, scared but all in all, make you feel !!

Life isn’t a cycle. There is so much out there!! Not the universe. The world. Our world ! We all are so cooped up in our daily duties that we do to please others that we fail to see the big picture. Yes, It isn’t going to come easy. But nothing important ever comes easy.

The truth is , all of us dream and we do dream big. Then what’s the problem you may ask? The problem is we always postpone to pursue our dreams. There is always something that has to be done first. We have only one lifetime. Definitely we are going to have to give up something for something else but the Choice is left to us. And we always choose safe and before you know it, you get COMFORTABLE !! Comfort is not a bad word but it is a dangerous habit. It is very hard to fall out of.

I was told that the things you don’t like in life will always find a way to come back into your life and turn it into hell. So we better start to take a liking to it. No!! I day , stand by your decision and likes and you gut, for once.

You won’t regret it !! Say Sayonara to your safe options ! Bid Adios to those who say otherwise !

Live big ! Love all !!

~ Masha